The Innocent Bones Beginners Guide To Cross Stitching
Ever wanted to learn how to cross stitch but didn’t know where to start? Each Innocent Bones cross stitch kit comes with an easy to follow instruction book and guide to cross stitch, but if you don’t have one (or you’ve lost the one you did have) then we’ve put it right here for you.
Cross Stitch Fabric
Most cross stitch is done on a fabric called Aida. Aida is woven so that the threads form a grid of holes, the holes will make the corners of your stitches. Each square on the fabric corresponds to a square on your printed pattern. To prepare your fabric for stitching fold your fabric in half, open it out again and then fold it in half the other way, gently pressing along the folds. This is how you will find the centre point of your fabric, where you’ll start your stitching.
The Embroidery Hoop
Before you start your cross stitching, you will want to stretch your fabric in an embroidery hoop or frame. This will make it much easier to stitch onto and ensures that your stitches are even and neat. Each fabric kit from Innocent Bones comes with an embroidery hoop included, but if you need one they are available online or from most haberdasheries.
To use your hoop loosen the screw at the top of your embroidery hoop and take the two rings apart. Place the inner ring on a flat surface and lay the Aida, centred, on top of it. Place the outer hoop directly over the fabric and inner hoop, then push it down to secure the fabric between the two rings. Tighten the screw, making sure the fabric is held tight.
Cross Stitch Thread
Cross stitch thread, or stranded cotton is made up of 6 strands of thread that are loosely twisted together.
Cut a length of thread as long as your arm, if the thread is too long it will be more likely to tangle and knot.
Because the thread is made up of 6 strands you will usually need to separate it and only use 2 or 3 strands at a time. Make sure to keep the strands that you aren’t using first straight and neat so they don’t tangle. Now thread one end of your thread through the needle and make a small knot at the other end.
How To Start Cross Stitching
Make sure that you have a knot at the end of your thread and take your needle to your starting point in the centre of your fabric. Bring the needle up to the front of the fabric from the back. You are now ready to start cross stitching.
Cross Stitching Technique
Now that you have brought your needle through to the front of the fabric you can start stitching. Looking at the diagram, point 1. is where you will bring your needle and thread through to the front, then push your needle back through the fabric at point 2. Continue this way until you have reached the end of a row and then work your way back across the stitches (as shown). It’s usually best to work your stitches in a row, but feel free to stitch in whatever direction is easiest and most fun for you!
Ending A Thread
To end a thread, run your needle under the last few stitches on the back of the fabric, and snip off the end.
Start with a new 3 strand thread as above and repeat.
So there you have it, the Innocent Bones beginners guide to cross stitching!
Hopefully this has given you the tips and tricks you need to get started on your cross stitch journey, and if you want some modern designs to get started with just hit the button below…